42 of 1976)
Functions of the
General powers of Corporation :-
(1) Subject to the provisions
of this Act and the rules, regulations and bye-laws made thereunder
the municipal Government of the City shall vest in the Corporation.
(2) Without prejudice to the generality of the provisions of sub-section
{1) it shall be the duty of the Corporation to consider all periodical
statements of the receipts and disbursements and all progress reports
and pass such resolutions thereon as it thinks fit.
44. Obligatory functions of Corporation :-
It shall be incumbent on the Corporation to make adequate provision
by any means or measures which it may lawfully use or take for each
of the fo]lowing matters, namely :-
{a) the construction, maintenance and cleaning of drains and drainage
works and of public latrines, urinals and similar conveniences;
(b) the construction and maintenance of works and means for providing
supply of water for public and private purposes:
(c) the scavenging, removal and disposal of filth, rubbish and other
obnoxious or polluted matters;
(d)the reclamation of unhealthy localities, the removal of noxious
vegetation and generally the abatement of all nuisances:
(e) the regulation of places for the disposal of the dead and the
provisions and maintenance of places for the said purpose;
(f)/he registration of births and deaths;
(g) public vaccination and inoculation;
(h) measures for preventing and checking the spread of dangerous diseases;
(i)the construction and maintenance of municipal markets and slaughter-
houses and the regulation of all markets and slaughter. houses;
(j) the regulation and abatement of offensive or dangerous trades
or practices;
(k) the securing or removal of dangerous buildings and places;
(1) the construction, maintenance, alteration and improvements 0f
public streets, bridges, culverts, causeways and the like;
(m) the lighting, watering and cleansing of public streets and other
public places;
(n) the removal of obstructions and projections in or upon streets,
bridges and other public places;
(o) the naming and numbering of streets and premises;
(p) the maintenance of municipal offices;
{q) the laying out or the maintenance of public parks, gardens or
recreation grounds;
(r) the maintenance of a fire-brigade and the protection of life and
property in the case of fire;
(s) the maintenance of monuments and memorials vested in a local authority
in the City immediately before the commencement of this Act or which
may be vested in the Corporation after such commencement:
(t) the maintenance and development of the value of all properties
vested in or entrusted to the management of the Corporation; and
(u) the fulfilment of any other obligation imposed by or under this
Act or any other law for the time being in force.
45. Discretionary functions of Corporation
:-The Corporation may in its discretion provide either
wholly or in part for all or any of the following matters, namely
(a) the furtherance of education including cultural and physical education;
(b) the establishment and maintenance of. and aid to. libraries, museums,
art galleries, botanical or zoological collections;
(c) the establishment and maintenance of, and aid to stadia, gynmasia,
akharas and places for sports and games:
(d) the planting and care of trees on road sides and elsewhere;
(e) the surveys of buildings and lands:
(f) the registration of marriages;
(g) the taking of a census of population;
(h) the civic reception. to persons of distinction;
(i)the providing of music or other entertainments in public places
or places of public resort and the establishment of theatres 'and
(j) the organisation and management of fairs and exhibitions;
(k) the acquisition of movable or immovable property for any
of the purposes before mentioned, including payment of the cost of
investigations, surveys or examinations in relation thereto for the
construction or adaptation of buildings necessary for such purposes;
(1) the construction and maintenance of
(i) rest-houses,
(ii) poor-houses,
(iii) infirmaries,
(iv) children's homes,
(v) houses for the deaf and dumb and for disabled and handicapped
{vi) shelters for destitute and disabled persons,
(vii) asylums for persons of unsound mind;
(m) the construction and maintenance of cattle
(n) the building or purchase and maintenance of dwelling houses for
Corporation officers and other Corporation employees;
(o) any measures for the welfare of the Corporation officers and other
Corporation employees or any class of them including the sanctioning
of loans to such officers and employees or any class of them for
construction of houses and purchase of vehicles:
(p) the organisation or management of. chemical or bacteriological
laboratories for the examination or analysis of water, food and drugs
for the detection of diseases or research connected with the pub]Jo
health or medical relief:
(q) the provision for relief to destitute and disabled persons;
(r) the establishment and maintenance of veterinary hospitals;
(s) the organisation, construction, maintenance and management of
swimming pools, public wash houses, bathing places and other institutions
designed for the improvement of public health;
(t) the organisation and management of farms and dairies within or
without the City for the supply, distribution and processing of milk
and milk products for the benefit of the residents of the City;
(u)the organisation and management of cottage industries, handicraft
centres and sales emporia;
(v) the construction and maintenance of warehouses and godowns:
(w)the construction and maintenance of garages, sheds and stands for
vehicles and cattle biers;
(x) the provision for unfiltered water supply;
{y) the improvement of the City in accordance with improvement schemes
approved by the Corporation
(zl the provision of housing accommodation for the inhabitants of
any area or for any class of inhabitants;
{za) the establishment and maintenance of hospitals, dispensaries
and maternity and child welfare centres and the carrying out of other
measures necessary for public medical relief
(zb) supply and distribution of electricity to the public; and
(zc) any measure not herein before specifically mentioned, likely
to promote public safety, health, convenience or general welfare. |