42 of 1976)
Public Safety And Suppression Of Nuisances
323. Prohibition of nuisances. -
{1) No person shall -
(a) in any public street or public place-
(i) case himself; or
{ii) carry meat exposed to public view; or
{iii) picket animals or collect carts; or
(iv) being engaged in the removal of rubbish, filth or other polluted
and obnoxious matter wilfully or negligently permit any portion
thereof to spill or fall or neglect to sweep away or otherwise
effectually to remove any portion thereof which may spill or fall
in such street or place; or
(v) without proper authority affix, upon any building, monument.
post. wall. fence, tree or other thing. 'any bill. notice or other
document; or
(vi) without proper authority deface or write upon or otherwise
mark any building, monument, post. wall. fence, tree or other
thing; or
(vii) without proper authority remove, destroy, deface or otherwise
obliterate any notice or other document put up or exhibited under
this Act or the rules or bye laws made thereunder; or
(viii) without proper authority displace, damage, make any alteration
in. or otherwise interfere with. the pavement, gutter, storm water
drain, flags or other materials of any such street, or any lamp
bracket, direction post. hydrant or water pipe maintained by the
Corporation in any such street or place, or extinguish a public
light; or-
{ix} carry rubbish, filth or other polluted and obnoxious matter
at any hour prohibited by the Commissioner by public notice, or
in any pattern of cart or receptacle which has not been approved
for the purpose by the Commissioner. or fail to close such cart
or receptacle when in use; or
{b) carry rubbish, filth or other polluted and obnoxious matter
along any route in contravention of any prohibition made in this
behalf by the Commissioner by public notice; or
(c) deposit, or cause or permit to be deposited, earth or materials
of any description or any rubbish or polluted and obnoxious matter
in any place not intended for the purpose in any public street or
public place or waste or un-occupied land under the management of
the Corporation; or
(d) make any grave or burn or bury any corpse at any place not set
apart for such purpose; or
e) at any time or place at which the same has been prohibited by
the Commissioner by public or special notice, beat a drum or tom-tom,
or blow a horn or trumpet or beat any utensil, or sound any brass
or other instrument, or play any music; or (f) disturb the public
peace or order by singing, screaming or shouting, or by using any
apparatus for amplifying or reproducing the human voice, such as
a megaphone or a loudspeaker; or
(g) let loose any animal so as to cause, or negligently allow any
animal to cause, injury, danger, alarm or annoyance to any person;
(h) save with the written permission of the Commissioner and in
such manner as he may authorize, store or use night soil, cow dung,
manure, rubbish or any other substance emitting an offensive smell;
{i) use or permit to be used as a latrine any place not intended
for that purpose.
(2) Every person shall take all reasonable means to prevent every
child under the age of twelve years being in his charge from easing
himself in any public street or public place.
{3) The owner or keeper of any animal shall not allow it straying
in a public street or public place without a keeper.
(4) Any animal found straying as aforesaid may be removed by an officer
or employee of the Corporation or by any police officer to a pound.
(5) Swine found straying in a public street or public place shall
be liable to be destroyed by any officer or other employee of the
Corporation appointed in this behalf.
324. Power of Commissioner to require removal
or abatement of nuisance. -Where the Commissioner is of
opinion that there is a nuisance on any land or building, he may,
by notice in writing, require the person by whose act, default or
sufferance the nuisance arises or continues or the owner, lessee or
occupier of the land or building, or any one or more of these persons
to remove or abate the nuisance by taking such measures in such manner
and within such period as may be specified in the notice.
325. Registration and control of dogs.
- (1) The Corporation may, by bylaws made in this behalf-
(a) require the registration, by the registration authority
appointed by the Commissioner in this behalf of all dogs kept within
the City;
(b) require that every registered dog shall wear a collar to which
shall be attached a metal token to be issued by the registration
authority, and fix the fee payable for the issue thereof;
(c) require that any dog which has not been registered or which
is not wearing such token shall, if found in any public place, be
detained at a place set apart for the purpose; and
(d) fix the fee which shall be charged for such detention and provide
that any such dog shall be liable to be destroyed or otherwise disposed
of unless it is claimed and the fee in respect thereof is paid within
one week.
(2) This Commissioner may
(a) cause to be destroyed, or to be confined for such
period as he may direct, any dog or other animal which is, or is
reasonably suspected to be, suffering from rabies, or which has
been bitten by any dog or other animal Suffering or suspected to
be suffering from rabies;
(b) by public notice direct that, after such date as may be specified
in the notice, dogs which are without collars or without marks distinguishing
them as private property and are found straying on the streets or
beyond the enclosures of the houses of their owners, if any, may
be destroyed and cause them to be destroyed accordingly.
(3) No damages shall be payable in respect of any dog or other animal
destroyed or otherwise disposed of under this section
(4) No one, being the owner or person in charge of any dog, shall
allow it to be at large in any public street or public place without
being muzzled and without being secured by a chain lead in any case
in which-
(a) he knows that the dog is likely to annoy or intimidate
any person, or
(b) the Commissioner has, by public notice during the prevalence
of rabies, directed that dogs shall not be at large without muzzles
and chain leads.
(5) No one shall-
(a) allow any ferocious dog which belongs to him or is
in his charge to be at large without being muzzled, or
(b) set on or urge any dog or other animal to attack, worry or intimidate
any person, or
(c) knowing or having reason to believe that any dog or animal belonging
to him or in his charge has been bitten by any animal suffering
or reasonably suspected to be suffering from rabies, fail or neglect
to give in, mediate information of the fact to the Commissioner
or give information which is false.
326. Stacking or collecting inflammable materials.
- The Commissioner may by public notice, prohibit in any
case where such prohibition appears to him to be necessary for the
prevention of danger to life or property, the stacking or collecting
of wood, dry grass, straw or other inflammable material or the Placing
of mats or thatched huts or the lighting of fires in any place which
may be specified in the notice.
327. Care of naked Lights. - No
person shall set a naked light on or near any building in any public
street or other public place in such manner as to cause danger of
fire: Provided that nothing in this section shall be deemed to prohibit
the use of lights for the purpose of illumination on the occasion
of a festival or public or private entertainment.
328. Discharging fire-works, fire-arms, etc.
- No one shall discharge any fire-arm or let off fire-works
or fire balloons, or engage in any game in such manner as to cause
or to be likely to cause danger to person passing by or dwelling or
working in the neighbourhood or risk of injury to property.
329. Power to require buildings, wells, etc.,
to be rendered safe. -
Where any building, or wall, or anything affixed thereto, or any well,
tank, reservoir, pool, depression, or excavation, or any bank or tree
is, in the opinion of the Commissioner, in a ruinous state, for want
of sufficient repairs, protection or enclosure, a nuisance or dangerous
to persons passing by or dwelling or working in the neighbourhood,
the Commissioner may by notice in writing require the owner or part-owner
or person claiming to be the owner or part-owner thereof or failing
any of them the occupier thereof to remove the same or may require
him to repair, protect or enclose the same in such manner as he thinks
necessary; and if the danger is. in the opinion of the Commissioner,
imminent, he shall forthwith take such steps as he thinks necessary
to avert the same.
330. Enclosure of waste land used for improper
purposes. - The Commissioner may, by notice in writing,
require the owner or part-owner, or person claiming to by the owner
or part-owner of any land or building, or the lessee or the person
claiming to be the lessee of any such land which, by reason of disuse
or disputed ownership or other cause, has remained unoccupied and
has become the resort of idle and disorderly person or of persons
who have no ostensible means of subsistence or cannot give a satisfactory
account of themselves or is used for gaming or immoral purposes or
other- wise occasions or is likely to occasion a nuisance, to secure
and enclose the same within such time as may be specified in the notice.